Monday 13 October 2014

Year 7 Awesome Poetry Homework

Greetings, Year 7!
I have written two poems ESPECIALLY FOR YOU.

Your task is to a) read the poems and b) add a comment in which you answer the questions underneath the poems. Don't forget to write your first name!

Poem 1

The Ethereal Adventures of Dr Lamb

Dr Lamb
Stole some jam
And flew to the moon one June in a pram.

She made friends with a ghoul
In a solar pool
And they both got back in time for school.

Poem 2

January journey

Dead leaves at daybreak
Stiff-limbed like cracking statues
Cold glare of winter.


1) List at least three different things you notice about each poem
2) Find something you like about each one
3) Which is better and why?
4) Are these 'good' poems? Why/why not?
5) What kind of poetry do YOU like?
Optional extension: write your own poem for me!

Write your answers in the comment box! Don't forget, put only your first name so I know who you are!


  1. 1) Poem A I noticed that you wrote about jam,school and making friends with a goul.
    2) What I liked about poem A is you ryhmed each end of the verse;Poem B I liked that you made it short and snappy.
    3) The best poem is A, because you put more decription,you made it funny and you rymed each verse.
    4) Yes, because you put decription and you made it funny.
    5)I like acrostic and shape poems.
    I cant come up with one
    By Intisar 7L

  2. zakiyah 7yz4 7I
    they both include months
    they are both very detailed and rythemetic
    i like january journey because i like the description
    they are kind of good poems
    i like fairytail poems

  3. 1)Answer: The first poem rhymes and the second one doesn't.
    The first one is longer than the other one.
    The first one is fiction and the other one is non fiction.
    2)Answer:I like the first poem because it is funny and I like the esecond one because it has personification.
    3)Answer: I like the second one much more better because its short and effective and it has personification and even though to me the sentences don't make sense I can still understand what the poem is trying to say.
    4)Answer:The second could be extended more because there is a lot of stuff about January and its seasons whereas the second one is better because its longer and it rhymes.
    5)Answer:I like rhyming poems.
    Optional extension:

    A friend is like a shade tree,
    Beside a summer way,
    A friend is like the sunshine,
    That makes a perfect day,
    A friend is like a flower,
    That's worn close to the heart,
    A friend is like a treasure,
    With which one will not part...

  4. 1)Answer:the 1st one is fiction and the other one is non fiction.
    One is short and one is long.
    The 1st he rhymes and the other one doesn't.
    2)Answer: I like the 1st one because its funny and it rhymes and the 2nd one I like because its short,effective and even if the words don't make sense I can still understand what it means.
    3)Answer: I like the 2nd one more because it has personification.
    4)Answer:the 1st one is a good poem be cause it rhymes and its funny but the second one could be longer because there a lot of stuff that happens in the season of January.
    A friend is like a shade tree,
    Beside a summer way,
    A friend is like the sunshine,
    That makes a perfect day,
    A friend is like a flower,
    That's worn close to the heart,
    A friend is like a treasure,
    With such one will not part.
    By Shanjida

  5. Hameeda,
    The first poem rhymes and is fictional because you cant be friends with a ghoul and go to the moon in a pram. The second poem uses pathetic fallacy, describes the feelings on a new year...January, the year that school starts half term.
    In the first poem i like that its like the first day of school , you're excited that you want to fly to the moon. In the second poem i like that it shows the dullness of all of us.
    I like the first one better because its better for my imagination , i find it cool Dr Lamb made friends with a ghoul after she stole jam ,then she flew to the moon in a pram!
    I like poetry that is to do WWs and i love writing sonnets because i love rhyming words .

  6. Tahira 7T 7yz4
    1.They have a creative setting in each one of them
    They both have verbs
    The poems have a lot of descriptive words.
    2.I like that the first poem The Ethereal adventures of Dr Lamb have a whole story in one piece of poem. The January's Journey has a create of suspense for the reader which gets me more intrested the minute I read.
    3.I think that January Journey is a better poem because it has an effect on me that creates more and more suspense drawn towards me.
    4.These are good poems for me because it has an effective, different, detailed poem to other which changes the way for these poems to be created.
    5.I like fun , repeated, cool, creative and exciting poems because it compares reality with a dream world, however it is my way of saying how my personality is.
    My mini poem- It was a happy warm day
    the sun out
    But a shadow behind my back
    I took a glimpse in the dark
    All I will ever see is smiles
    always smiles.

  7. This is Nafisa,
    1) What I notice that is different about the poems is that the first poem rhymes every line but on the second poem it doesn't. The second thing which is different is that the second poem uses description like "cold glare of winter" but the first poem doesn't. Finally, the first poem is long while the last poem is short.
    2) One thing I liked about the first poem is that it is funny and the thing I liked about the second poem is that even though it is 3 lines, it described a lot about winter.
    3) I personally think that the first poem is better because every line rhymes which makes it more interesting!
    4) These are GOOD poems!! You really tried your best to write poems just for us.
    5) I like rhyming poetry.

  8. 1)On poem a there are rhyming words. On poem b there are similes and metaphors.
    2)On poem a I like how the stanzas are set out. On poem b I like how the simile is used.
    3)I think that poem a this better because it is easier to picture the scene in the readers head.
    4)those are good poems because they have a feature of a poem.
    5)I like shape poems because it is interesting to read.

  9. 1)on poem a there are rhyming words. On poem b there are smiles and metaphors.
    2)On poem a I like the way it is set out and on poem b I like the use of the simile.
    3)A is better because it is easier to picture in the readers head
    4)those are good poems because they have the features of a poem
    5)I like shape poem

  10. 1. 575. FUNNY. short
    2. funny both
    3.575 short and nice for little kids
    4.yes because little kids will find it funny
    5 acrostic poems
    Maliha 7U

  11. 1) The first poem is quite short,its quite silly and funny also it uses rhyming. The second poem only uses one stanza, it uses personification and it also uses similies and is quite suspenful as it puts me on the edge of my seat.
    2) I really like the rhyming of the first poem because it kind of brings a tune to it and i like the suspensful tone of the second poem and the use of the personification.
    3) I think the second poem is better because it uses more 'language' than the first one.
    4) I don't think these are great poems because they aren't that detailed and if i had to choose between these poems and poems that use personification,metaphores, similes i would choose the second option because it would just be more interesting
    5) I really like suspense poems and sad poems because sad poems make me sad and i feel like the person and suspenseful poem because it makes me feel on edge and just sends a chill down my spine.

  12. The first poem is not that descriptive, it is a fictional adventure and it rhymes.The second poem had a very sad mood to it,it is very descriptive .For example, cold glare of winter is a metaphor.Also stiffed limbed like crackling statues is a simile for a person getting up on a winter morning.

    For the first poem ,I liked how it created a happy atmosphere using rhyming words.In the second poem, I liked the use of smiles and metaphors to crate a sad atmosphere.

    In my opinion, the second poem is better because it includes more poetic devices and powerful imagery such as dead leaves and cold glare to describe winter season , which is very effective.

    Yes these are good poems aimed at different readers.The first one is more suitable for younger people and the second poem is more suitable for older readers.

    I liked free verse poems because it is flexible , it can rhyme or not it can be long or short.This is my poem

    Leaves on fir from the phoenix sun,
    Hues of red orange and yellow saying
    farewell to summer falling to only rise
    again next year,

  13. Sara 7U
    I think that they r good and it rimes but is too short
    I like how funny is the 1st one
    1st one because it's funny and it doesn't make any sense!
    they are good but ummmm...
    i like any
    bye Sara 7U 7WX2

  14. 1) The 2nd one is a haiku.
    The first one rhymes.
    The first one has 2 verses.
    2) The first has a rhythm and the second one is short and cold
    3) I like the second better as it is short and snappy.
    4) I think there is no such things as good and bad poems. They are there to express yourself and understand others.
    5) I like acoustic poems.
    By: Humeyra Alim 7Q 7WX2/EN

  15. 1) The first poem has rhymes and the second one is not
    The first one is not that descriptive
    The first one is adventurous
    2) I like them both because it hooked me in and made me want to read it more
    3) I like the second one more because it is more descriptive and it is more detailed
    4)The first one is adventurous as I mentioned before and the second one is not good because it is in a mood of depression
    5)I like poetry that have descriptive detailed sentences and ones that hook me in and has tension
    Sadiya Begum 7U

  16. ANIQA 7Q (7WX2/En)
    1) I've notice the rhymes, the verses and the vocabolary used.
    2) I liked the rhymes in the 1st poem and the description on the 2nd poem.
    3) I think the better poem is the 2nd one because it contains descriptive vocabolary and is more short.
    4) I think both of them are good poems because it used many descriptive vocabolary and rhymes.
    5) I like any types of poem

  17. Sumaya 7Y (7WX2/En)

    Poem 1 answer
    1) the first thing I noticed was that the poem was quite short. It consisted of only 2 stanzas- each with only 3 lines. The second thing I noticed was that the poem was fictional since it's impossible to fly to the moon in a pram and meet a ghoul. The last thing I noticed was that the poem was simple, it didn't have much detail about what they did on the moon.
    Poem 2 answer
    1)the first thing I noticed about poem 2 ,was that it was shorter than the other poem. Secondly,when you hear it, you feel quite down - the poem sounds boring and depressing. Lastly,it's descriptive. It uses a lot more description than poem two such as: cold glare,stiff-limbed,dead leaves.
    2) in poem 1, I like the fact that it rhymes and the last line of the first stanza rhymes with both the first and second line of the first stanza of poem 1.
    In poem 2 , I like the fact that when you read it you can imagine a picture in your head of the setting description.
    3) I think poem 1 is better since firstly, it sounds more appealing and enjoyable as it's funny and interesting. Moreover, it's longer than the other poem therefore (in my opinion) poem 1 is better.
    4)I don't believe that these are good poems as they don't include simple objectives such as: similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia etc .
    5)I like acrostic poems and shape poems. But most importantly , rhyming poems.

  18. -Nahida 7yz4
    1. Poem 1 has rhyme to it but poem 2 does not. They both include verbs and they both talk about months.
    2. I like how one is scary and one is fun and fictional.
    3. I like the first one because it has more adventurous things.
    4. I think they are good poems because they are unique in different ways
    5. I like all poems, but my favourite is acrostic poems.

  19. the first poem is silly ,short and has a happy tone to it whereas the second one is more descriptive, does not rhyme and is a haiku. Naimah 7Q

  20. NAIMAH 7Q
    2.i like the rhyming in the first and the personification on the second
    3.there both as good as each other but I like the second one a lot.

  21. THEY are not bad. Poems are hardly ever bad except for grammar ,

  22. Tahiya Rahman 7L | 7yz4/En

    1) The first poem rhymes but the second poem doesn't.
    The first poem is fictional; you can't fly to the moon in a pram, nor can you make friends with a ghoul.
    The first poem is very comedic/humorous and the second poem is very in depth and detailed.
    2) I like how the first poem is very imaginative and creative and how the second poem is very short and snappy, but effective.
    3) I like both poems as they are both emphatic and interesting, but I think January Journey is better because it is very powerful and uses effective words/phrases, like 'cold glare' and 'dead leaves' to describe the winter season.
    4) They are both good because they both appeal to an audience - the first poem would appeal more to children and the second poem would appeal more to adults and teenagers - and they are both differently structured out, compared to other poems.
    5) I like poems that are free (about something that the poet likes) or in other words, freestyle poems.
    My poem:
    When the dry leaves fall,
    as clouds start to form,
    little white flowers drop gracefully from the sky,
    tiny, so hard to see.

    Then flowers spring out,
    a little rain, a little shine.
    Blossoming here and there,
    various colours growing.

  23. Nadira 7A
    1) well, poem 1 rhymes and the other one doesn't
    1 is longer than 2
    1 is weird/fiction and 2 is poetic/non-fiction
    2) I like the fact that poem one is weird and quirky and I like the fact that poem 2 is the complete opposite to poem 1
    3) I like the first one because it is funny
    4) I think that they are no 50% good and 50% bad because poem 2 was really poetic and poem 1 was funny but poem 2 was short and poem 1 mp any people wouldn't understand it
    5) I like poems about nature and the world around us.

  24. Rhaven 7Q

    1) I noticed in poem 1, that it is childish, it rhymes well and doesn't make a lot of sense, I also noticed in poem 2 that it, uses metaphors, it is about autumn and it is something that happens once a year.
    2) I like how in poem 1 that it describes a fun adventure and in poem 2 it is short and effective.
    3) I prefer poem 2 as it is something everyone can relate to, it is descriptive and you can read it over and over again without the meaning changing.
    4) I think they're good poems because they have used a lot of poetic features and they're unique.
    5) I like poems about feelings and love.

    My poem -The Anchors-

    The anchors on my shoulders way me down when I talk to you, the guilt in my eyes can be seen, I try to stay strong and not brake, but the anchors keep waying me down.

  25. Maryam 7Q

    1)poem one has rhyming,rhythm and stanzas and poem two is descriptive and is short.
    2)I like poem one because it is like a nonsense poem and i like poem two because it describes winter which is my favorite season.
    3)poem one is better because it is in stanzas and is more descriptive.
    4) The first poem is good because it has verses and is descriptive and rhyming however the second one has no stanzas and is to short.
    5)i like rhyming poems because they have rhythm but i also like nonsense poems because thy are funny.
    My poem:
    I went to school the other day
    And realized that my head had rolled away
    Then when i went to pick it up
    All of a sudden the sun fell down and the moon went up

  26. Sehrish 7A
    1) the first poem rhymes and the second one does not. The second poem has less verses than the first.The second one has lots of adjectives
    2) i like the adventurous feelings you get when you read the first. I like the way nouns are described by adjectives in the second poem
    3) the second one is better because it has described alot and it gives you a picture in your mind
    4) they are good poems because they have lots of brilliant words in them
    5) i love poems that start with the phrase 'roses are red, violets are blue' .

  27. 1) In the first poem it rhymes and in the second poem it doesn't rhyme
    2)In the second poem even though it's only three lines it does describe a lot
    3)The poem I liked was poem 1 because it has rhymes and it makes it more fun and interesting.
    4)These poems are really good I hope that you write more.
    5)In poems I prefer rhyming.

  28. 1) In the first poem it rhymes and in the second one it doesn't also in the first one its more longer and it doesn't make any sense.
    2) a thing that I like about poem 1 is that it rhymes and a thing I liked about poem 2 is that it describes quite a lot.
    3) I prefer poem 1 because it is much more fun to have a poem with rhymes.
    4)You have done really good making these poems I hope you write more.
    5) In a poem I like having rhymes to make it more interesting

  29. Labibah 7L:
    a1)It rhymes, there is a beat to it, it is very concise.
    a2)It uses metaphors, it describes emotions, it is short and effective.
    b1) its very funny
    b2) it makes me feel connected woth the character.
    3) The second one is better because it makes the reader think and it also helps the reader understand the poem.
    4) I think these are good poems because they express different feelings and are diffe
    rent types of poems.
    5)I like emotional , descriptive poetry that relates to the reader.

  30. he first poem is not that descriptive, it is a fictional adventure and it rhymes.The second poem had a very sad mood to it,it is very descriptive .For example, cold glare of winter is a metaphor.Also stiffed limbed like crackling statues is a simile for a person getting up on a winter morning.

    For the first poem ,I liked how it created a happy atmosphere using rhyming words.In the second poem, I liked the use of smiles and metaphors to crate a sad atmosphere.

    In my opinion, the second poem is better because it includes more poetic devices and powerful imagery such as dead leaves and cold glare to describe winter season , which is very effective.

    Yes these are good poems aimed at different readers.The first one is more suitable for younger people and the second poem is more suitable for older readers.

    I liked free verse poems because it is flexible , it can rhyme or not it can be long or short.This is my poem

  31. The poem is really effective and it rymes! I like how you put a lot of funny bits in there
    And that you described both of the poems really well.

    The SECOND poem is actually better because it's easier to understand and that (shorter poems are better then longer poems.

    The FIRST poem is effective and I was understanding what was happening in the poem
    (Which is funny).

    I have nothing which you could improve on because they are both really good!
